This page contains video snippets of a past webinar. Premium members can log in and watch back the full webinar on demand at any time.

Grants and tax

Maximise opportunities before and after EOFY

Grants and tax: Maximise opportunities before and after EOFY


The 2022 financial year is upon us. There are a number of tax and grant opportunities that small businesses can capitalise on if you act before June 30, as well as opportunities beyond June 30 that you may be eligible for.

Our panel of small business tax experts and government grant consultants will share the major opportunities available and reveal how to get the most out of taxation and grant consultants and advisors.

Learning outcomes

Identify tax saving opportunities and pitfalls – in particular business structuring, trust distributions, accelerating deductions, deferring assessable income and tax-effective superannuation strategies

Implement tax saving steps before June 30 2022 and plan tax saving strategies after June 30 2022

Identify eligible small business grants with a focus on apprenticeships, export markets and research and development grants

Apply for small business grants that expire on June 30 2022 and run beyond June 30 2022

Maximise the performance of your tax advisor

Get the most out of working with a grant consultant

Meet our panel

Tania Cunningham

Tania Cunningham

Director/Senior Advisor
Solutions2 Group
Solutions2 Wealth Management

Business Advantage partner offer
Silvano Tivisini

Silvano Tivisini

Senior Business and Tax Advisor
Solutions2 Group

Business Advantage partner offer

Lachlan Catanese

Grant Help

Bill Lang

Bill Lang (Host)

Executive Director
Small Business Australia

Business Advantage partner offer

Video snippets

The following contains segments from the above webinar conducted on Wednesday 15th June 2022.
To view the full webinar please log in.

Section 3

Video length 07:24

Tips and Planning for Year End: Pre and Forward planning is Sound Business Practice
Silvano shares some great tips that cover instant asset write-off, loss carry back tax offset, deferring assessable income and more.

Section 6

Video length 03:09

Superannuation pensions work – If you are still working after 65 years of age

  • Maximise contributions to Super and withdraw money from Pension Phase (tax free) to supplement your income
  • Earning rate in Pension Phase should be higher than Accumulation Phase all things being equal

Section 8

Video length 06:34

Export Market Development Grant – Tier Spending
Any eligible expenses incurred from the 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023 can be claimed 50% reimbursement on international marketing related activities

Tier 1 – $15,000 (Total $30,000 Spend) each year, over 2 years for eligible businesses who are new to export
Tier 2 – $24,600 (Total $49,200 Spend) each year, over 3 years for eligible businesses who plan to expand their marketing activities
Tier 3 – $36,600 (Total $73,200 Spend) each year, over 3 years for exporters who are making a strategic shift